
Zika virus


The Harvard researchers polled over 1,000 American adults — including 105 people living in households where someone is pregnant or considering pregnancy — and found some gaping awareness about the spreading virus.

So to freshen up your Zika knowledge, we clarify some of the biggest misconceptions.

[The National Broadcasting Company]



(noun 名詞)


1. 民意調查

例子:to conduct  a poll   進行民意調查

例子:(public) opinion poll   民意測驗

例子:The TV station conducted a poll to find out the favorite 100 movies for this year.  電視台進行民意調查,找出今年最受歡迎的一百部電影。


2. 調查

(verb 動詞)

► to poll staff for their opinions   徵求員工的意見

例子:The magazine polled its readers on their reading habits.   雜誌訪問讀者的閱讀習慣。


pregnant 懷孕

(adjective 形容詞)


1. 懷孕

► to become pregnant   

例子: My sister became pregnant soon after her marriage.  妹妹在結緍後不久就懷孕。


2. 意味深長的

► a pregnant pause/silence   耐人尋味的停頓/沉默

例子:Mary only reaction was a pregnant silence.   Mary 唯一的反應是一陣意味深長的沈默。    


3. 充滿某含義

► to be pregnant with sth   

例子:The moment was pregnant with excitement.


gaping (洞或者開口)大的 /ˈɡeɪ.pɪŋ/

(adjective 形容詞)  

例子:The bomb had left gaping holes in the wall. 炸彈把牆炸出了很多大洞。


freshen up 使潔淨/乾爽

(phrasal verb 片語動詞)

例子:I freshened up with a shower after exercise.


misconception 錯誤觀念

(noun 名詞)


例子:It’s a popular misconception.   這種錯誤觀念很普遍。
例子:Students have big misconceptions about disabled people.  學生對殘疾人士有很大的錯誤觀念。



piece of cake 易過借火/ 小事一樁

例子:I had no trouble finding your office - a piece of cake.

例子:I am more than happy to help. It is a piece of cake.

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