
App terms


幾乎人人都有智能電話的年代,手機個人化,全靠用家下載不同應用程式。下載只須幾分鐘,但大家按下「接受」的瞬間,可能已經同意跟開發商分享電話簿資料,甚至相片、錄影片段等等,你又知道嗎?不過手機應用程式條款條目繁多,能仔細看完做決定的有幾人?今集English in News 取道北歐,有消費者權益組織舉辦了一次行為藝術表演,請人逐項唸出好幾個受歡迎的手機應用程式使用條款,又耗時多久?收聽本集便有分曉!


Norway consumer body stages live app terms reading

To prove the "absurd" length, the council got Norwegians to read each of them out in real time on their website. Their scope, length and complexity mean it is virtually impossible to make good and informed decisions.


The council is calling on the industry to write shorter, clearer terms and conditions and to adopt a common standard.


absurd 荒謬的; 怪誕的
(adjective 形容詞)


例子:an absurd idea/suggestion/argument

例子:The charges against her are obviously absurd. 對她的指控是荒謬的

  • absurdity (noun 名詞)

例子:We all laughed at the absurdity of the situation. 我們認為這個荒唐的情境很可笑

  •  absurdly (adverb 副詞)

例子:The directions to the shops were absurdly complicated. 去商店的指示實在不合理的複雜

例子:Designers offer footwear with heels that are so absurdly high women cannot actually walk in them. 設計師設計出來的高跟鞋,鞋踭不合理的高,女人根本無穿上走路


scope 範圍; 領域
(noun 名詞)


  • within scope 在某事物的範圍之內
  • beyond scope 超越某事物的範圍
  • outside the scope of sth . 在某事物的範圍之外

例子:He is afraid that problem is beyond/outside the scope of his lecture.
例子:Oil painting does not come within the scope of the course.

  • scope for sth 實現某事物的機會
    例子:There is limited scope for further reductions in manpower. 削減人手的空間/機會很有限。


  • scope for sb to do sth 某人做某事的機會
    例子:The extra money will give them the scope to improve their facilities.


virtual 虛擬的
(adjective 形容詞)


例子:The Web site provides a virtual tour of the hotel.



1. 大聲喊叫

例子:Mary called up to her husband, who was at the top of the stairs.

例子:Mary’s husband called back down to her.


2. 打電話

例子:I try to call my parents at least once a week.

例子:They had to call an ambulance.


3. 示意;召喚

例子:I called the waiter over (to my table) and asked for the check, and then I called him back to order something else.


4. 命名為…

例子:Her parents called [=named] her Josephine after her grandmother.


5. 召開;號召

例子:She calls [=convene] a meeting

例子:The union threatens to call a strike against the company.

例子:Peter called a halt to [=stopped] the discussion.

例子:We're planning to call [=stop] at a friend's house on the way home.


calling (使命感; 感召)

例子:She believes it is her calling to become a priest. 她認為當神父是自己的使命


adopt 領養,提名,採用
(verb 動詞)


1. 領養

例子:Mary and Jackson are unable to have children of their own, so they decided to adopt.


2. 提名 / 推舉某人為候選人

例子:The party adopted him as its candidate for mayor.


3. 採用; 採取

例子:Why did she adopt such an aggressive tone of voice ? 他的語氣為甚麼如此咄咄逼人?



beat around the bush 轉彎抹角


在草叢邊踱來踱去,卻始終不到核心,就好像人說話,不停繞圈子說不到題。Beat around the bush 亦由此而生。


例子:Please stop beating around the bush and get to the point.

例子:Our boss always beats around the bush when she has to tell us bad news.

例子:Politician uses to beat around the bush in the meeting. 

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