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恐怖襲擊的新聞一再出現,發生的地點亦不止中東,而是法國、德國、美國... ... 究竟什麼是「恐怖主義」?聯合國有沒有統一的說法?今集 Jo 和 Kevin 暫時放下傷痛,跟大家直面恐懼。
[Our World in Data - https://ourworldindata.org/terrorism/]
(noun 名詞)
1. 恐怖活動
► a terror attack 恐怖襲擊
2. 恐懼
例子:He was frozen by/with terror. 他嚇呆了。
3. 可怕的人; 恐怖的事物; 討厭的人; 討厭的事
例子:a little terror / a holy terror 小搗蛋鬼
例子:a terror for cleanliness 潔癖
terrorist 恐怖分子
(noun 名詞)
例子:a terrorist gang/organization 恐怖集團/組織
terrorise 恐嚇
(verb 動詞)
例子:Street gangs have been terrorising the neighbourhood.
► to terrorize sb. into doing sth. 脅迫某人做某事
terrible 可怕的; 嚴重的; 非常討厭的
(adjective 形容詞)
1. 有病的
例子:I feel terrible. 我覺得很不舒服。
2. 糟糕的
例子:You look terrible in that shirt. 你穿那件襯衣難看死了。
3. 在某方面/做某事很差勁
► to be terrible at sth. / doing sth.
例子:I’m terrible at dancing.
terribly 非常
(adverb 副詞)
例子:terribly well 好極了
例子:I'm terribly sorry. 我感到十分抱歉。
例子:Your wife misses you terribly. 你的妻子十分想念你。
例子:The procedure went terribly wrong. 程序出了大問題。
(noun 名詞)
► do violence to 違背
例子:It would do violence to her principles to work after office hours. 破壞她的原則
例子:That piece of news has done violence to the truth. 那則新聞歪曲了事實。
violent 殘暴的; 暴力引起的
(adjective 形容詞)
例子:violent film/clash/attack/protest/behaviour 暴力電影/衝突/襲擊/抗議/行為
(noun 名詞)
例子:the death toll 死亡人數
► takes its toll / take a heavy toll 毀壞/造成嚴重損失
例子:The cold weather takes its toll on our health.
Kevin’s classroom
vs deadly (adjective 形容詞 /adverb 副詞)
► He is dead. vs He died.
- die (verb 動詞) = pass away (more polite and respectful) = to stop living
- dead (adjective 形容詞) = no longer alive
He is/was dead.
He dies/died.
- dead 死的; 凋謝的 (adjective 形容詞)
vs deadly (adjective 形容詞) 致命的 (= lethal, fatal)
deadly (adverb 副詞) 死一般地
例子:to be deadly quiet 死一般寂靜
= deathly (adverb 副詞/ adjective 形容詞)
例子:a deathly silence [literary] (like a dead person)
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