
Rubbish deluge




Hong Kong will discuss with Guangdong how to deal with the massive but “unusual” deluge of rubbish washing up on the city’s southern shores in recent weeks.
                                                                                                                             [SCMP, 11 July 2016]


[SCMP, 11 July 2016]


deluge [ˈdeljuːdʒ]
(noun 名詞)


a deluge of (things) 蜂擁而至的(事物)

例子:a deluge of rain / water 傾盆大雨/大洪水

例子:The recent incident has brought a deluge of criticism


be deluged with 因…應接不暇
(verb 動詞)


例子:The head office was deluged with complaints.


rubbish (BrE) = trash / garbage (AmE) = refuse = waste
(noun 名詞)


在美國,不少人把trash當成動詞用,有「把別人批評得一文不值」的意思。英國則用 rubbish。

例子:The candidates were trashing / rubbishing each other.


massive 巨大的
(adjective 形容詞)

例子:The scale of the problem is massive.


Volunteers take to the beaches in clean-up drive while calling on government to do more to curb the worsening problem of marine rubbish.


call on/upon someone to do something 促請
(phrasal verb 片語動詞)


call on/upon someone 拜訪

例子:Sam called on his uncle yesterday.



curb 遏止
(verb 動詞) 

例子:Inflation needs to be curbed in some developed countries.


curb your emotion 控制情緒

例子:He curbed his temper.


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