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Why can't you relax?
conference 會議,大會;討論會,協商會
(noun 名詞)
例子:We frequently hold conferences at that hotel. 我們常在那家飯店舉辦會議。
例子:You're speaking at/attending a conference next week. 你下周要在一個會議上發言/出席一個會議。
sweat 流汗、出汗、冒汗
(verb 動詞)
例子:The prisoners were sweating with fear. 囚犯們嚇得直冒汗。
例子:The walls in older houses sometimes sweat with damp. 老房子的牆壁有時候會因為潮濕而滲出水。
(adjective 形容詞)
例子:the looming crisis 迫在眉睫的危機
peppered with 充斥;佈滿
(verb 動詞)
例子:His face is peppered with freckles. 他的臉上滿是雀斑。
jargon 行業術語
(noun 名詞)
例子:military/legal/computer jargon 軍事/法律/電腦術語
hunch (背),彎腰
(verb 動詞)
例子:They hunched round the fire to keep warm. 他們弓著身子圍在火邊取暖。
例子:Stand up straight and don't hunch your back. 站直,別寒背。
ambition 抱負;志向;雄心;野心
(noun 名詞)
例子:He's got a lot of ambition. 他很有抱負。
例子:She has already achieved her main ambition in life - to become wealthy. 她已經實現了她人生最大的志向——發財致富。
(adjective 形容詞)
1. 野蠻的,殘忍的;獸性的
例子:He had presided over a brutal regime in which thousands of people had 'disappeared'. 在他殘暴的統治下,成千上萬的人「失蹤」了。
2. 直截了當的;不顧及他人感受的
例子:He spoke with brutal honesty - I was too old for the job. 他毫不留情地直接告訴我,我年紀太大,不適合這份工作。
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