
Study across the border


教育局公布的數字顯示,過去十年,北上升學的文憑試畢業生人數顯著上升,是十年前的十倍,原因是什麼?Kevin 和 Jo 會為大家梳理數字,找出緣由。

The number of Hong Kong ­students applying to mainland universities has seen a tenfold ­increase over the past decade, ­despite the common perception that the city’s youth are wary about studying across the border.


(suffix 後綴詞)

1. …倍的

例子:The company expects a six-fold return on their investment. 望獲得六倍的投資回報。


2. 有…部分的

例子:The problem is twofold (adjective 形容詞).


be wary of/about 警惕的
(adjective 形容詞)

to be wary of sb. /sth.   對某人/某事物警惕

to be wary of or about doing sth.   謹慎地做某事

例子:I am always wary of giving offence.   我總是小心翼翼,唯恐得罪別人。

例子:to keep a wary eye on sb. /sth.   密切注意某人/某事物


IELTS其中一部分要求考生分析圖表、形容走勢,如果只有幾度板斧,容易予人生硬之感。Increase, decrease, become stable 之外,選擇可多呢。以下這段文字,可謂非常實用:

Research by the Post found that the percentage of secondary school graduates applying for places at mainland universities swelled from below 1 per cent in 2006 to a peak of over 7 per cent in 2012, followed by a slight tapering to about 6 per cent last year.


swell (up) 上升/ 上漲
(verb 動詞)

(past: swelled; past participle: swelled or swollen)

例子:The population swelled as migrants moved south. 移民南遷,人口隨即上漲。

例子:The limbs swell to an enormous size. 四肢都變得非常腫脹。


 swell with 充滿 (…之情)

例子:He could see his son swell with pride on stage.  他看到兒子在台上顧盼自豪的樣子。


taper (off) 逐漸變小 / 逐漸收窄
(verb 動詞)


例子:There are signs that inflation is tapering. 種種跡象顯示通漲放緩。


Kevin’s classroom

apply “to”   vs.   apply “for” 


apply to an organisation 向 (某機構)申請

apply for a job / a position 申請 (某職位)


例子:Sam is applying to a famous accounting firm for the manager position.

例子:John is applying for a Master’s programme at a mainland university. 

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