
Pianist in disguise


正所謂「人不可貌相」,商場裡放着的鋼琴,成為某地盤工人一展身手的地方!Jo 和 Kevin 笑談「鐵漢柔情」英文怎麼說。


A video of a mystery man in construction worker garb playing a piano in a Hong Kong shopping mall is doing the rounds on the internet, with viewers awestruck at his talent and the juxtaposition.


doing the rounds on the internet  瘋傳
e.g. There is a rumour doing the rounds that the construction worker is a famous pianist.


be awestruck at 震驚的,驚奇不已的

= impressed, amazed


e.g. People in the shopping mall were awestruck at the construction worker’s talent.


awe + struck

  • awe (uncountable noun) 敬畏 = the feeling of respect and amazement
  • be awed by sbd or sth (verb) = they make you feel respectful and amazed
  • struck = past participle of “strike” (also stricken)
  • i.e. awestruck = awestricken = awed
Internet users said the man had “true musical talent” and “despite his hard outer image, [he] was gentle at heart” (鐵漢柔情), while others called him a “master in disguise” and “the real definition of a romantic”.


master in disguise 如假包換的大師 / 禾桿冚珍珠

c.f. to be a master of disguise 善於偽裝





Another mother said many people abuse the time limit.

“Even though there is a limit of 15 minutes, some go beyond that,” she said. “As a result, my son has to queue up for a long time and this is quite annoying.”



But another mother said many people abused the time limit, and they went beyond the 15-minute limit, so her son had to queue up for a long time and she was like, “this is quite annoying!”


A Song for YouMUSIC WAS MY FIRST LOVE by John Miles


Music was my first love and it will be my last
Music of the future and music of the past

To live without my music would be impossible to do
In this world of troubles, my music pulls me through


pull someone/ something through 幫助人/事度過險境

e.g. He pulled the city through a financial crisis.

e.g. I didn’t think he’d survive, but he pulled through.

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