
Driving ban for women lifted in Saudi Arabia


打破固有規範,過程中有人被捕、有人被宗教領袖狠批,有此成果,可謂得來不易。Jo & Kevin 跟大家回顧這件國際要聞,順道學習英文重點字!



Title: to be lifted 撤銷; 解除

e.g. Driving ban on women has been lifted in Saudi Arabia.


c.f. lift off (phrasal verb) = take off

e.g. Astronauts: We have lift-off. 我們有發射任務


Saudi Arabia's King Salman has issued a decree allowing women to drive for the first time.


issue a decree (= order) 法令 (noun)


decree (verb)

e.g. The King has decreed that women are no longer banned from driving.

e.g. (verb – passive) It was decreed that… 據裁定…


Rights groups in the kingdom have campaigned for years to allow women to drive, and some women have been imprisoned for defying the rule.


defy (= resist, confront, challenge, disobey) 反抗; 違抗; 蔑視

e.g. The fact that aircraft don't fall out of the sky always seems to me to defy the law of gravity.  我總認為飛機沒有從天上掉下來,是不符合萬有引力定律的。


- to defy sb. to do sth . 挑戰 / 某人做某事 (= dare / challenge)

e.g. I defy you to argue with the man. /

        I defy you to tell me which part of the story is wrong.


- to defy belief/comprehension/description 難以相信/理解/描述

e.g. The notion that women are not allowed to drive defies understanding.


= flout (i.e. not observe or respect)

e.g. A Saudi activist, who was detained for 73 days in 2017 for flouting the ban, tweeted "thank God" following the announcement.


Writing vs. Speaking


Speaking (Fox news)

Saudi Arabia has just announced it will allow women to drive cars, for the first time ever. This will begin in June next year. They offer different reasons for not allowing women to have drivers’ licenses. Some say that men may not be able to handle women driving cars next to them, and one cleric claiming that driving harmed women’s ovaries. Not true, of course! Women to be allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia beginning June of 2018. And we welcome you to the 20th century.




shoot (verb)


1. 直線衝刺

e.g. They were just shooting off to work so we didn't stop to talk.
e.g. Keanu Reeves shot to fame (= became famous suddenly) with the movie "Matrix".


2. 迅速衝過;飛速通過

e.g. It was so exhilarating shooting the rapids. 激流衝浪真是太刺激了。

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