
Sexual harassment in the workplace


荷李活製片人 Harvey Weinstein 被連環指控性侵女演員,聲討之聲不絕,掀起一片風暴!


harassment 騷擾行爲
(noun 名詞)


e.g. sexual harassment 性騷擾

e.g. Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a trivial matter. 辦公室性騷擾並非小事。


harass 騷擾;使煩惱;打擾
(verb 動詞)


e.g. Stop harassing me!   別煩我!



Because sexual harassment doesn’t always look as obvious as Harvey Weinstein’s alleged conduct, talking about it is often fraught with misunderstanding and a lack of empathy — those who’ve never experienced it might be quick to dismiss unwanted comments or touching as “friendliness.”


fraught with 充滿(問題、危險等令人不快之物)的
(adjective 形容詞)



e.g. The negotiations have been fraught with difficulties right from the start.   



empathy 同理心
(noun 名詞)


► empathetic 與某人有同感的,與某人產生共鳴的 (adjective 形容詞)

e.g. These programmes are training doctors to be empathetic.   這些活動旨在訓練醫生的同理心。



unwanted 不需要的;多餘的;不受歡迎的
(adjective 形容詞)



e.g. How can I stop unwanted emails?   



Some DOs and DON'TS - according to expert


1) Don’t talk about someone else’s body


Small nuances can make a big impact in these scenarios. “There’s a big difference between saying, ‘I like your pants,’ and, ‘I like the way your legs look in those pants.’” Objectifying someone’s body parts like this is a pretty cut-and-dried situation — it’s sexual harassment.


(noun 名詞)


e.g. The painter has managed to capture every nuance of the woman's expression.   



cut-and-dried 決定的;斬釘截鐵的;已成定局的
(adjective 形容詞)


e.g. We need a cut-and-dried decision by the end of the week.   



2) Don’t prioritize your intentions


The biggest misconception about sexual harassment in the workplace is that intent is more important than impact. “People who’ve been accused of sexual harassment often say, ‘I didn’t mean it to be this way. I didn’t mean it be offensive. I meant it as a joke. In this scenario, the harasser thinks their mindset is determinative, but it isn’t. It’s about the people who’ve been exposed to the conduct, not whether you intended it to be offensive.”


intent 意圖,目的
(noun 名詞)


e.g. I spent half the morning on the phone, which wasn't really my intent.


e.g. It was not his intent to hurt anyone.


► intent 專心致志的,專注的 (adjective 形容詞)


e.g. an intent stare  目不轉睛的注視

e.g. She had an intent look on her face.  她的面部表情非常專注。


 be intent on sth / doing sth 執意要做;決意要達成

e.g. I’ve tried persuading her not to go but she's intent on it.


e.g. He seems intent on upsetting everyone in the room!




Q1: 為何百分之六十美國女性指曾受性騷擾,但向公司求助的人又那麼少?

Q2: 被訪者認為怎樣可以改善這個情況?



A Song for You - “Should’ve Said No” by Taylor Swift


You shouldn't be begging for forgiveness at my feet

You should've said no, baby and you might still have me


at my feet 在腳邊  vs. under my feet 阻手阻腳;妨礙

e.g. The children were under my feet all day so I couldn't get anything done.

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