
Backpack midwife


從前有「赤腳醫生」,今次 English in News 會跟大家走到非洲肯雅內羅畢,了解「背包助產士」的工作。資源短缺,但救助母嬰之心不減!


In Kenya, unlike other African countries such as Ethiopia, primary health care is not paid for by the government or local authority. Call the midwife in Nairobi, Kenya, and you may receive a visit from someone like Margaret Wairimu Maina. She sets off on foot looking something like an astronaut, carrying a backpack stuffed full of hi-tech gadgets designed to monitor a baby's health.


midwife 助產士 (noun 名詞)


backpack 背包 (noun 名詞) 

backpack (US)  vs.  rucksack (british)


> backpack 背包旅行 (verb 動詞) 

例子:He backpacked around Asia after graduated from university.  他在大學畢業後,背上背包在亞洲旅行。

例子:They plan to go backpacking in Australia.  他們正計劃在澳洲背包旅行。


set off (verb 動詞)


1. 動身


例子:He set off for home. 他動身回家去。

  • to set off on a journey 動身上路
  • to set off to do sth. 出發去做某事


2. 觸發; 引爆,引發


  • to set off a chain of events 引發一連串事件
  • to set off an alarm


3. 使開始

> to cause (someone) to suddenly start yelling, crying, laughing, etc.


例子:I wonder what set the baby off. 


4. to set sb. off doing sth. 使某人開始做某事


例子:the tickle in her throat set her off coughing 她嗓子發癢,引起了一陣咳嗽


stuff 東西/事兒 (noun 名詞) 


例子: where’s all my stuff ? 我的東西都哪兒去了?


  • to do one's stuff 施展本領
    例子:Go on! do your stuff ! 快點!露一手吧!
  • to know one's stuff 精通業務   
    例子:When it comes to cooking, she really knows her stuff. [=she knows a lot about cooking]


  • That's the stuff ! 這就對啦!
  • I don't give a stuff ! 我一點也不在乎!


stuff (verb 動詞)


1. 裝滿


例子:the fridge is stuffed with food. 冰箱塞滿食物。

例子:the cabinet was stuffed with clothes belong to my daughter. 衣櫥裡塞滿女兒的衣服。


2. 使充滿


例子:She is such an unrealistic girl as her head is stuffed with romantic notions.  她滿腦子都是不切實際的想法。


The only thing close to an ambulance is an improvised wheelbarrow with a yellow siren attached to its handles. Patients are placed in the cart and the lucky ones are wheeled to the community health clinic.


improvise (verb 動詞)


1. 即興創作; 即興表演

an improvised speech/performance  即興演講/表演


例子:If you forget any of your words when delivering speech on stage, just try to improvise. 假如你在台上忘記演講內容,就即興創作吧。


2. 臨時做

an improvised table 臨時搭的桌子


3. to make or create (something) by using whatever is available


例子:I wasn't expecting so many guests turn up, so I had to improvise a dinner with what I had in my refrigerator.


improvisation (noun 名詞)


例子:This actor/actress is good at improvisation.


siren 警報器 (noun 名詞)


例子:an air raid/police/ambulance/fire engine siren 空襲/警車/救護車/消防警報器


> siren song 誘惑   (also SIREN CALL)

something that is very appealing and makes you want to go somewhere or do something but that may have bad results — often + of


例子:Mary could not resist the siren song of fame and money.


wheel 輪  (noun 名詞) - steering wheel 汽車駄盤


wheel (verb 動詞) 


1. 推 


例子:I saw the medical staff wheeled the patient into the operating room. 我看著醫護人員將病人推進手術室。


2. 請來 (sometimes used figuratively 作為比喻)


例子:The company wheeled in the experts [=company hired a group of experts] to study the matter further.


3. 推出 (有輪的) 車


例子:The chef wheeled out a small dessert cart.


4. 搬出(藉口等) (sometimes used figuratively 作為比喻)


例子:Peter wheeled out [=offered] the same old excuse for being late.


A Song For You - "The Obstetrician Song"

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