
Burger flipping robot


Burger = a flat round mass of minced meat or vegetable 漢堡 = 碎肉/ 蔬菜餅

Cheeseburger (with cheese) 芝士漢堡

Hamburger [‘ham burger] 火腿漢堡


The burger-turning robot is designed to replace one of the economy’s most popular “unskilled” jobs (低技術工作). It uses image-recognition (圖像辨識) and heat-sensing tech (熱感應科技) to know which burgers need flipping. Up to 12 burgers can be handled at once.


Listening comprehension 

Question: What are the benefits of / reasons for creating this burger-flipping robot?


The burger-flipping robot has begun work at a restaurant in Los Angeles. The system is destined to replace human fast-food workers. 煎漢堡機械人已經在洛杉磯開工。這個系統註定會取代快餐店員。

1. be destined (adj.) to + v. / for + n. 註定的 [destiny (n.)]

- it was destined to happen 這事註定會發生

- to be destined for sth. 註定有某結果 / 去往(某地)…的


e.g. Technology is destined to replace human workers. 科技註定會取代人類工人。

e.g. This product is destined for the US. (= is being shipped or transported to / is traveling to)



Flippy, the burger-flipping robot that threatens to supplant short-order cooks, has taken its first extended break. But the burger maker isn't blaming balky robotics for the snafu. Rather, it says humans - or in this case, not enough of them - are at fault威脅取代快餐廚師的煎漢堡機械人Flippy正在放大假。不過,漢堡供應商並無責怪機器不合作造成混亂。他認為是人──應該說,不夠人手──才是問題所在。


2. supplant [səˈplɑːnt] = 取代 replace / take the place of / substitute

e.g. Cooks may be supplanted by robots in the future.


3. balky = awkward; uncooperative. 【美】(馬等)停蹄不前的

e.g. He was trying to get his balky horse to move.


4. snafu [North America informal] (n./adj./v.) / 'snafuː/

(n.) 混亂局面 = a confused or chaotic state; a mess.

I have devoted a huge amount of time untangling (解開) snafus. (Such a waste of time!)


(adj.) 運轉不靈的

e.g. to be snafu 混亂的

e.g. The brakes are snafu 剎車失靈了


(v.) throw (a situation) into chaos 造成混亂

You didn’t follow the instruction and snafued everything.


5. at fault = to be at fault (in doing sth.) (做某事)有過錯 (you are to blame / be responsible)

e.g. My memory was at fault 我記錯了

e.g. You were at fault in leaving the door unlocked! 你沒把它鎖上是有責任的


A Song For You “Robots” by Flight of the Conchords


affirmative (n.) 肯定詞;肯定語 = YES

e.g. She asked the question expecting an affirmative. 她問這個問題是希望得到肯定的答覆。

e.g. He replied in the affirmative (= he said "yes").  他回答說是。

mainly US "Were you in New York on 3 March?" "Affirmative." (= "Yes.")



affirmative (adj.) 肯定的;同意的

e.g. an affirmative answer/response  肯定的回答/答覆

Opposite: negative


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