
Korean high-level talk


The South has dozens of loudspeakers along the border area, which blast everything from K-pop music to critical news reports of the North. The broadcasts can be heard by the North's troops stationed along the border and civilians in the area.


blast (v.)


  1. 産生巨大噪聲;發出刺耳聲

e.g. They heard the guns blasting away all night. 他們聽到槍炮聲響了一整夜。


  1. 炸毀;爆破

e.g. A tunnel was to be blasted through the mountains.要在群山中開鑿一條隧道。


figurative e.g. Their latest album blasted (its way) up the charts (= moved very quickly because of its popularity).  他們最新的唱片在排行榜上名次直線上升。


  1. 抨撃,嚴厲批評 = slam / criticise

e.g. The administration was blasted for failing to create jobs.



(n.) a blast of music / air突然高聲響起的音樂 /疾風,狂風;一陣強勁的氣流


喧囂的派對;狂歡 US informal

e.g. You should have come with us last night - we had a real blast!



Have a blast! (=party time!)


Civilian (n.) 平民;老百姓

e.g. The bomb killed four soldiers and three civilians.



South Korea has stopped broadcasting propaganda via loudspeakers along the border with North Korea, ahead of top-level talks (later this week). (week of 27/4)

Seoul said turning them off would help set the tone for the talks.


Propaganda (n.) 宣傳;鼓吹

political/wartime propaganda  政治/戰時宣傳

e.g. At school we were fed communist/right-wing propaganda.



e.g. One official dismissed the ceasefire as a mere propaganda exercise.



Set the tone 定調;預備 (for sth)

= to establish a particular mood or character for something:


e.g. The governor's speech set the tone for the whole conference.

e.g. The good financial news set an optimistic tone for the year.


North Korea announced that it was suspending nuclear tests and closing an atomic test site. South Korea's President Moon Jae-in has called it "a significant decision towards total denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula".


Suspend (v.)

  1. 停止,暫停,中止

e.g. The ferry service has been suspended for the day because of bad weather.


e.g. The country's president has suspended the constitution and assumed total power.  總統廢除憲法,獨攬大權。

e.g. When you go to the theatre, you have to be willing to suspend disbelief (= to act as if you believe that what you are seeing is real or true, although you know that it is not).  去戲院看戲時,你得對劇情深信不疑。

e.g. I'm suspending judgment (= not forming an opinion) on the book I'm reading until I've finished it.  在把書讀完之前,我不會對它作出任何評價。

e.g. Mr Young was given a six-month jail sentence, suspended for two years (= if he commits another crime within two years, he will have to go to prison for six months for his original crime).  楊先生被判監禁六個月,緩刑兩年執行。

  1. (因犯錯而)暫令停職,暫令停學,暫令停止參加活動

e.g. She was suspended from school for fighting.  她因為打架而被勒令停學。

e.g. He was suspended for four games after arguing with the referee.



Denuclearisation 無核化 (n.)




A Song For You “Give Peace a Chance” John Lennon


ism (humorous, informal) (尤指自己不贊成的)主義,學說

e.g. Let’s not talk about isms now and focus on concrete matters.


-ism(構成名詞)主義,信仰,研究,行為方式 (suffix)

Sexism 性別歧視

Feminism 女權主義

Buddhism 佛教

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