
Ageing Society




In China today, 14.8% of the population is over 60 years of age, but that figure will rise to more than 33% if trends continue.



age 年齡

(noun 名詞)


aging (美式英語)  vs.  ageing (英式英語)


Ageing population = greying population


例子:The grey in population is concerned with health benefits.



Problems 面臨的問題:


1. Shrinking labour force 勞動人口萎縮


shrink away from sbd or sth (因恐懼、震驚或噁心而) 避開


例子:The kids always shrink away from the teacher with the mean face.


shrink from a task or duty 縮沙

= not do it because it is unpleasant or dangerous


例子:Susie shouldn't shrink from telling her colleague to help out.


a shrink 臨牀心理學家

(noun 名詞)

 = a psychiatrist  (informal)


somebody is no shrinking violet 不害羞的

= they are not at all shy


2. Ballooning costs for health care and retirement benefits 醫療及退保極速膨脹


balloon 膨脹

(verb 動詞)


= increase rapidly in amount = soar = rocket (skyrocket)


例子:Food prices will soar when food becomes scarce.

例子:The price of oil skyrocketed when there were problems with the Middle East.



rudimentary 僅有的

= very basic (therefore unsatisfactory)


例子:The rudimentary elderly-care system is one of the problems of ageing population in China.


silver bullet 特效藥/萬靈丹

= a quick solution to a difficult problem


例子:In a budget speech, Tsang announced a working group to map out a financial strategy to cope with an ageing population and other long-term financial obligations.



map out 擬定

= work out in detail how you will do it


例子:Let's map out our summer schedule.


cope with 應付

= manage = deal with = contend (accept or bear an unpleasant situation) = tackle


例子:I can't cope with richard's bad habits anymore.

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