
Energising Kowloon East


energise 令人/事重拾活力

(verb 動詞)

= give sbd or sth enthusiasm (making it energetic)


vibrant 活潑的、充滿活力的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:making Kowloon East a vibrant commercial centre

= full of life, energy and enthusiasm


例子:vibrant colour

= very bright and clear = brilliant


vibrancy 活力

(noun 名詞)


= vitality (have great energy and liveliness)


Vision 願景

Kowloon East should become another premier CBD (Central/Core Business District) of Hong Kong to support our economic growth and strengthen our global competitiveness.


premier 主要的

(adjective 形容詞)

= principal / leading


premier 首相/總理

(noun 名詞)

= the leader of the government of a country


strengthen 加強

(verb 動詞)


strength 力量

(noun 名詞)


strong 強壯的

(adjective 形容詞)


= reinforce (verb 動詞) / reinforcement (noun 名詞)


prospect 前景

(noun 名詞)


例子:Investment demand for office premises in Kowloon East was particularly strong, reflecting investor confidence and the bright prospects for growth in the district.

例子:a promising prospect = outlook (≠appearance)


Core Values 核心價值
  • Open and Engaging (門戶常開、歡迎參與)
  • Creative and Innovative (發揮創意、鼓勵創新)
  • Consolidating and Facilitating (整合資源、推動進展)
  • Professionalism and Quality (專業水平、優質成果)


creative 有創意的 vs.  innovative 創新的


creativity 創意

(noun 名詞)


= the ability to invent and develop original ideas


innovation 創新

(noun 名詞)


= the introduction of new ideas, methods or things – not an ability


例子: We must promote originality and encourage innovation.


Problems 面臨問題

Rising rents and plans to gentrify Kwun Tong threaten to snuff out flourishing music and arts hub.


gentrify 高檔化/仕紳化

(verb 動詞)



(noun 名詞)




snuff out 停止

(verb 動詞)


= stop


encompass 包含

(verb 動詞)


= embrace


例子:Previously known as a zone for light industry, Kwun Tong has grown to encompass an informal arts and music "village" as performers and designers of various stripes have taken up residence in disused factory space.

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