
Sochi Winter Olympics


索契冬季奧運會,訂於2014年2月7 – 23日舉行,是俄羅斯近年籌辦至為大型的國際盛事。讓我們先從比賽場地說起:


例子:Ice events will be held in a cluster near the Black Sea in the Imeretinskaya Valley. 



cluster 堆/聚集

(noun 名詞/ verb 動詞)


一組相似的事物聚在一處,可用cluster 作量詞,如 a cluster of stars 就是一堆星星。Cluster也可當動詞使用,有聚集的意思。


例子:The children clustered around the storyteller.


  • moguls
  • snowboarding
  • speed skating
  • cross-country skiing
  • luge
  • figure skating


mascot 吉祥物

(noun 名詞)




  • Polar Bear 北極熊
  • Hare 野兔
  • Leopard 豹


Paralympics 傷殘奧運會

(noun 名詞)


為什麼傷殘奧運會不叫 para-olympics?原來跟發音有關!且聽 Kevin 講解!


不過,早前的恐怖襲擊以及反同性戀宣傳法案等事,令運動會蒙上陰影;高昂的開支,也令人擔憂。Crystal 和 Kevin為大家列舉一二:


1. 同性戀權益爭議

On June 30, 2013, Russian anti-gay propaganda law is signed by President Vladimir Putin, banning the public discussion of gay rights and relationships anywhere children might hear or see.  Those found in breach of it can be fined or deported if they are foreign.


breach 觸犯

(noun 名詞)


例子:Her decision to quit was considered a breach of confidence.


propaganda (多指政治的、意識形態的)宣傳

(noun 名詞)


例子:Communist countries used to produce many propaganda films to sway the people to their ways of thinking.


boycott 杯葛

(名詞 noun/動詞 verb)


例子:Protests have risen due to gay rights issues in Russia, suggesting boycotts of the Sochi Olympics.


vague 含糊不清的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:Many have raised concerns about the vague definition of promoting homosexuality to minors.


例子:The teacher’s explanation was so vague that I didn’t understand the homework.


2. 環保爭議

Organizers say they want Sochi to be the greenest, most environmentally aware games ever staged.


wilderness 荒野

(noun 名詞)


例子:Turning the wilderness into a world-class sporting destination is proving a huge environmental challenge. Even Russian officials admit that building the infrastructure from scratch is ambitious.


from scratch 從頭開始


例子:She made the cake from scratch.


3. 開支爭議

Sochi Winter Olympics is expected to be the most expensive Olympics in history with a cost of $50 billion US, topping Beijing’s $40 billion for Summer Games.


由expense 引申出的詞語也不少:


at the expense of someone 犧牲某人的利益


例子:Don't take a chance at the expense of their safety.


expendable 可犧牲的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:He is expendable because he does not contribute much to the company’s profits.


spiraling costs/ballooning costs 節節上升的成本

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