
Hong Kong Marathon


香港馬拉松開辦至今八年,參加人數節節上升,2001年起健兒破萬,不知道你是不是其中一分子呢?主持Kevin 當天也是跑手之一,他說跑馬拉松講耐力,以下的訓練方法,務必留意!


The purpose of cross-training is to rest the feet and train the cardiovascular functions to reduce the risk of injury.


Cross-training 就是交替訓練的意思,包括澗水跑步、負重練習等,旨在改善運動員整體表現。


cardiovascular 心肺的

(adjective 形容詞)


除了體力訓練,Crystal 和 Kevin還分享了飲食要訣,希望合用:


Runners should eat a healthy and well-balanced diet, with 55 to 60 percent of daily energy intake coming from complex carbohydrates, 15 percent from proteins, and less than 30 percent from fat.


amateur vs. professional




amateur 業餘

(adjective 形容詞)





The race saw an influx of injuries the year before due to runners stopping to snap self-portraits and causing a pile-up that resulted in battered and bruised participants.


除了take photos,「拍照」英文可以怎麼說?


snap 快拍

(verb 動詞,informal)


= photograph (verb 動詞)


例子:When I travel, I snap all the landmarks.


snap one’s fingers 打響指

(verb 動詞)


= click one’s fingers


snap 照片

(noun 名詞)


例子:This is a snap I took last year.


snap (情緒)崩潰

(verb 動詞)


= go crazy (because of sth astonishing, sad)


例子:He snapped when he knew his good friend passed away.


snap up 搶購

(phrasal verb 片語動詞)


例子:With the system taking registrations on a first-come, first-served basis, all places were snapped up within four hours.




self-portrait / selfie 自拍照

(noun 名詞)


在韓國,「自拍」稱為 selca,望文生義,由 "self camera" 二字合成,跟self-portrait / selfie同義。




Race officials will hold up signs reminding runners to be mindful and refrain from causing pile-ups by stopping for vanity shots.


refrain 避免

(verb 動詞)


不少人會混淆refrain, prevent, avoid 跟介詞from的搭配,緊記以下方程式,便有分曉!


  • refrain + from       一定要加
  • prevent + (from)   可加可不加
  • avoid + (X from)   不需要加


vanity 虛榮

(noun 名詞)

例子:He is always blinded by vanity

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