
"Anti-locust" campaign



Scores of protesters marched through Tsim Sha Tsui in an "anti-locust" campaign demanding the government curb mainland visitors.


locust 蝗蟲

(noun 名詞)




curb 限制/抑止/遏止

(verb 動詞/ noun 名詞)


例子: She curbed (verb 動詞) her temper.

例子: Protesters called for stricter curbs (noun 名詞) on immigration.


scuffle 推撞

(noun 名詞)


例子: Scuffles break out as protesters hurl abuse at mainland Chinese tourists.



(verb 動詞)

例子: Police scuffled with some of the protesters.



hurl abuse at somebody 指罵/ 辱罵

= shout insults at sbd aggressively


hurl 拋擲

(verb 動詞)


「辱罵」英文我們可以用hurl abuse at ,也可作 hurl slurs at 。Slur作名詞使用時,指「侮辱的說話」、「毀謗的言詞」;但也可以當動詞,代表「說話含糊」,例如:


He slurs his words every morning when he just wakes up.




The protesters accuse mainland visitors of overwhelming the city and hogging its resources.


accuse sbd of sth 指責(某人)


hog 攞到盡

(verb, informal 動詞,非正式)


Hog 英文本指「豬」,豬以貪吃見稱,hog 遂引申為俗語「攞到盡」之意。不過,此用法並無貶義,例如 go the whole hog,指「一不做二不休」。


go the whole hog/ go hog wild  去到盡/ 一不做二不休

(idiom, informal 慣用語,非正式)


例子: Now I have lost half of my job, I may go the whole hog and lose it completely.


例子:Why don’t we go the whole hog and get drunk?  




Chief secretary and ministers condemn march calling for curbs on visitors as humiliating for mainlanders and a stain on Hong Kong’s image.


condemn 譴責

(verb 動詞)


humiliate 侮辱

(verb 動詞)


例子:The protest humiliated mainland visitors and tarnished the city's image.


tarnish sbd’s reputation 玷污/ 損害名聲

(verb 動詞)


stain 污漬,亦指令人蒙羞/沾上污點

(noun 名詞)

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