
Malaysia Airline missing jet


馬航客機失蹤多日,各國不斷增派搜救人員,仍然無功而還,各式各樣的謎團,有待勘破! 究其原因,大眾猜測包括:

  • terrorism 恐怖主義活動
  • sabotage 蓄意傷害
  • suicide 自殺



Malaysian airline flight MH370 went missing on March 8th with 227 passengers and 12 crew.  It flew for several hours off its flight course at a lower altitude and mysteriously disappeared.  Now investigators believe that someone on board deliberately shut off its communications and tracking systems.


mysterious 神秘的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:It is mysterious how a plane can suddenly vanish.



mystery 謎團

(noun 名詞)


例子:I like mystery novels because they are full of suspense.


deliberate 故意的

(adjective 形容詞)




deliberately 故意地

(adverb 副詞)


例子:Tom deliberately hit Jack with the ball.


Deliberate 書面用得比較多,口語化一些的同義詞是 on purpose:

Tommy hit his sister on purpose.


Shut 指「閉上」、「合上」,配搭不同介詞,意思可以千變萬化!


shut off 關上

(phrasal verb 片語動詞)


例子:Don't forget to shut off the lights when you go out.


shut out 斷絕往來

(phrasal verb 片語動詞)


例子:The students shut out the other class because they wanted to win the debate.


shut up 閉嘴

(phrasal verb 片語動詞)


例子:It is rude to tell someone to "shut up".





The fate of the plane and the people it carried has become a formidable riddle, raising questions about possible terrorism, the identities of passengers and crew members, aviation technology and searching an enormous area that includes both the Indian Ocean and rugged, remote terrain in Asia.



formidable 強大/ 艱巨/ 可怕

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:It was a formidable storm that swept through the city.


rugged 崎嶇不平的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:The terrain in parts of Malaysia are rugged and difficult to access.


Crystal 提到外型粗獷的男人非常吸引,原來都可以用rugged 來形容!


例子:His rugged features make him very attractive.


remote 偏遠的

(adjective 形容詞)


家中的 remote control (遙控)大家聽得多,其實remote 是形容詞,即「偏遠」、「遙遠」之謂也。


例子: In some remote villages, they have to walk for miles to get fresh water.




  • airline 航空公司
  • aviation 航空
  • airplane / jet / airliner 飛機
  • flight 航班
  • flight attendant 機艙服務員
  • cockpit 飛機駕駛艙
  • pilot 機師
  • radar雷達
  • altitude海拔
  • delay 延誤

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