
Violence against women



UN declaration on the elimination of violence against women states that "violence against women is a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women and that violence against women is one of the crucial social mechanisms by which women are forced into a  subordinate position compared with men."


elimination 清除 / 淘汰

(noun 名詞)


例子:After the elimination from the semi-finals, there were only five contestants left in the beauty pageant.


manifestation 表明

(noun 名詞)


例子:The big smiles on the children's' faces was the manifestation of the success of the event.


crucial 關鍵的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:Water is crucial to our survival.


mechanisms 機制

(noun 名詞)


例子:The mechanism of encouraging employees to work harder by providing more bonus is very effective.


subordinate 下級

(noun 名詞)


例子:Women are still treated as subordinate in many countries.


(Violence against women include: rape; domestic violence; sexual harassment; honor killings; female genital mutilation; forced abortion...)




Indian girls rape case:

The initial post-mortem report suggests that the two girls were alive when they were hanged. The autopsy report is the basis of our investigation.


Villagers streamed into the homes of the girls' relatives, weeping behind their customary veils. The mother of one of the girls said her daughter wanted to become a doctor to escape grinding poverty.


post mortem 驗屍

(noun 名詞)


autopsy 驗屍

(noun 名詞)


streamed 川流不息地湧入 - flowed

(verb 動詞)


例子:Curious bystanders streamed in to see what the commotion was about.


Other water related action verbs : trickled in, flooded, poured in, flushed in...


weeping 哭泣

(verb 動詞)

crying; sagging, drooping, hanging

例子:Billy sat under the weeping willow to read a book.


veil 頭紗

(noun 名詞)

= cloth that covers over face

例子:You could see her bright and beautiful eyes under the bridal veil.


veil 隱蔽

(verb 動詞)

= cover, obscure

例子:The row of trees veiled the house.


grinding poverty 赤貧

(noun 名詞)

= a situation in which people are extremely poor over a long period

例子:Many people believe the way to escape from grinding poverty is to receive education.


► grinde 搗碎

(verb 動詞)

= to cut into small pieces; to weaken or destroy slowly;

例子:He likes fresh ground coffee so he bought a coffee bean grinder.

► grinding 嚴苛的

= boring or difficult work

例子:I need a break from this grinding work.

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