
Buying your degree



A vibrant East Asian industry is corrupting the American higher education system by gaming entrance exams, concocting college applications and completing coursework on behalf of students.   [SCMP, 27 May 2016]


game 鑽空子;藉制度漏洞取利
(transitive verb 及物動詞)


concoct 編造
(verb 動詞)


例子:to concoct an excuse /a plot   編造理由/虛構情節

例子:The prisoner concocted the story to get a lighter sentence.  該囚犯虛構故事,以圖輕判。



These nimble operators not only help students cheat their way into universities. They also help them cheat their way through.

There are companies in China that help students contrive their entire college application – embellishing application essays, doctoring letters of recommendation from high school teachers, and even advising them to obtain fake high school transcripts.


nimble 機靈的;取巧的
(adjective 形容詞)


contrive 設法促成
(verb 動詞)

► to contrive sth / to contrive to do sth.   設法做成某事 (often by tricking)

例子:The choir contrived to produce some of its best playing.  合唱團傾盡全力,表現優秀。


embellish 美化
(verb 動詞)

例子:The Christmas tree was embellished with accessories.  聖誕樹點綴著許多佩飾。

► embellish a story = 為故事加油添醋


doctor 偽造;對…做手腳
(verb 動詞)

例子:They doctored the prints to make him look awful. 他們在複印畫上做手腳,令他看來非常可怕。


Kevin’s classroom



行事閃縮,莫不是心裡有鬼?不可告人的事、似是疑非的陰影,都與ghost有緣… …


ghost / to ghostwrite for sbd 代某人寫作
(verb 動詞)

例子:The companies ghostwrite/ghost application essays for the students.


1. 鬼
to believe in ghosts   相信有鬼

2. 陰影
to lay the ghost of sth. ( to rest )   消除某事物留下的陰影

3. 一絲
the ghost of (faint or weak that hardly exists)
例子:She gave the ghost of a smile.  她露出一絲微笑。

例子:He doesn’t stand/have a ghost of a chance of success.   他毫無獲勝的機會。

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