
Why we should celebrate shyness





怕生也有怕生的優點。不信?聽聽兩位主持 Jo 和 Kevin 笑談內歛之美。


Shyness is the feeling of apprehension, lack of comfort, or awkwardness especially when a person is around other people. (also called diffidence)  [BBC]


apprehension (noun 名詞)

apprehensive (adjective 形容詞)

= anxiety, worry


1. 憂慮

例子:apprehension about/for/over sth.   對某事的擔心

例子:I entered the room with apprehension.   我忐忑不安地進入房間。


2. 看法

例子:She is under the apprehension that…   她認為…


apprehend  = catch and arrest
(verb 動詞)


例子:Police have finally apprehended the murderer.


(verb 動詞)


1. 臉紅
例子:to blush at the idea  因這種想法而臉紅


2. 羞愧

例子:to blush for sb .   為某人感到羞愧

例子:I blush to admit it   我不好意思承認這事


(noun 名詞)

awkward (adjective 形容詞)

1. 令人為難的 / 令人不快的 = embarrassing situation that is difficult to deal with / uncomfortable
例子:an awkward situation 


2. 棘手的 / 不容易的 = tricky to use / difficult to use
例子:an awkward (difficult) job


predicament 尷尬的處境; 困境 (countable)
(noun 名詞)

= complication, plight, embarrassment

例子:to help somebody out of his/her predicament   幫助某人擺脫困境

例子:The decision will leave him in a peculiar predicament.


Many people may expect that shyness permeates every situation, but Moran notes that it “ebbs and flows” depending on the context.


(verb 動詞)


1. 滲透; 瀰漫
例子:The room was permeated with an awkward atmosphere.


2. 散布
例子:The ideas gradually permeated through the people.   這些思想逐漸深入民心。


Bill Gates is reportedly an introvert, which means he feels a greater need to spend time in his own company. A shy person may well crave company, while also feeling nervous and anxious about the way they are perceived. In this way it is perfectly possible to be a shy extrovert – to simultaneously fear and crave the limelight.


crave渴望得到 / 懇求
(verb 動詞)


例子:to crave somebody’s forgiveness   懇求某人的原諒

例子:to crave somebody’s permission to do sth   請求某人允許做某事


limelight 公眾注意的中心
(noun 名詞)

例子:to be in/out of the limelight   為/不為公眾矚目

例子:to avoid the limelight   避免引人注目

例子:to hog the limelight/attention   搶鏡頭/出風頭


Kevin’s classroom

ebb and flow 
(verb 動詞) / (noun 名詞)

1. (指聲音、流行式樣等) 消長, 興衰; 不斷長落, 起伏

例子:the ebb and flow of conversation   談話聲此起彼伏
例子:to ebb and flow   潮漲潮落
例子:at a low ebb / at their lowest ebb 處於低潮


2. 退潮

例子:the tide is on the ebb   正在退潮
例子:the ebb and flow of the tide   潮水的漲落


3. 衰退

例子:to listen to the ebb and flow of conversation   聽著時低時高的談話聲
例子:on the ebb正在減弱
例子:My luck is on the ebb.   我的運氣每況愈下。

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