
Fake News


美國總統上任以來,多次指對他不利的消息是「假新聞(fake news)」,令這個詞語,廣為人知。一本老牌字典,更封它為「年度詞彙」!

不過,網絡發達,不實報導容易令謠言滿天飛,如何分辨?有大學便列出檢驗消息真偽的心法,聽聽 Jo & Kevin 怎麼說!


A year on from his election victory, President Trump's frequently used phrase "fake news" is now common currency. It was even named word of the year by the dictionary publisher Collins.




1. 偽造的; 假冒的 (adjective 形容詞)

e.g. fake fur / leather 假皮草 / 假皮革
e.g. He was wearing a fake mustache.  他戴了假鬍子。


2. 假裝 / 偽冒 (verb 動詞)   


e.g. She faked the test results. 她在測試中做假。


fake (someone) out or fake out (someone) 瞞騙  informal

= fool


e.g. Don't believe her when she says she'll help you. She's just trying to fake you out.



e.g. The player faked the defender by stepping to his right and then cutting to the left.



相反詞 :real, true, genuine, original



Word of the year 年度辭彙


► Man of the year / Woman of the year 年度風雲人物



When statistics are manipulated or misused, they can make fake news even more powerful.




1. 操作 (verb 動詞)

e.g. to manipulate the control levers 操縱控制桿


2. 操縱  / 操控 (verb 動詞)

e.g. As part of the experiment, scientist manipulated light and temperature to see how it affected the plants.


e.g. A clever writer manipulates his characters to create interesting story.




但 manipulate 也可用作貶義!


e.g. to manipulate public opinion 左右公眾輿論
e.g. She knows how to manipulate her husband to get what she wants. 她懂得怎樣操縱丈夫,來得到她想要的東西。
e.g. price manipulations 操控價格



All media has a perspective, lots of that shades into a bias, but usually these specifically fake news sites have a particular agenda.


perspective 觀點



e.g. She helped us look at the problem from a totally new perspective



** perspective 經常連著 on 使用

e.g. The new president has totally different perspective on the war.



** 另外,也會放在 in 或者 into 後面使用

e.g. My boss helps me put my life in proper perspective.



bias 偏見

(noun 名詞)


► to display bias 表現出偏見

► political/media bias 政治/媒體偏見


e.g. They vote without bias.  他們不以偏見投票。




(noun 名詞)


1. 議事日程

► on the agenda 列入日程表
►  meeting agenda 會議流程

e.g. There are several important issues on the agenda for tonight's meeting.



2. 私心

e.g. She wants to push/promote her own agenda no matter what the others say.



► a hidden or secret agenda 秘密事項


e.g. We had no hidden agenda. [=we didn't have a secret plan]




dodgy 存在風險的

(adjective 形容詞)


e.g. I ate some dodgy oysters last night. 我昨天吃的蠔有問題。



10 useful tips to spot fake news

1 - Check the source

2 - Is it just on one website?

3 - What's the agenda? 

4 - Go beyond the headline

5 - 'You won't find this on mainstream media’

6 - Data sources

7 - Dodgy surveys 

8 - Big isn't always better

9 - Is it what it says on the tin?

10 - Check the context



LISTENING TEST - How to Spot Fake News -


Q1: 在社交媒體決定是否分享某些內容,看標題是否足夠?

Q2: “Bury the lede” 是什麼意思?


** bury the lede (idiomatic, US, journalism) 避重就輕;模糊焦點


e.g. The news started by recounting details of the candidate's appearance and buried the lede by not mentioning his new call for tax reform until the 19th paragraph.



A Song for You - "Fake-Believe" by They Might Be Giants



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