
Trade War



Kevin 和 Jo 跟大家分享國際貿易的英文關鍵字!


China has imposed tariffs of up to 25% on 128 US imports, including pork and wine, after US President Donald Trump raised duties on foreign steel and aluminium imports earlier in March. The tariffs affecting some $3bn of imports have kicked in.



tariff 關稅 (noun 名詞)


duty (noun 名詞)


1. 稅;(尤指進口)關稅

例子:There’s a high duty on alcohol. 酒類的關稅很高。


2. 責任


out of duty 出於責任

例子:He only went to see her out of duty (= because he thought he should).



► report for duty 報到


例子:You should report for duty (= arrive at work) at 8 a.m. on Monday.



kick in 開始見效;起作用

(verb 動詞)


例子:It takes half an hour for the medication to kick in.



tit-for-tat 以牙還牙,針鋒相對 (DISAPPROVING 貶義)


例子:I noticed she didn't send me a card - I think it was tit for tat because I forgot her birthday last year. 



China said the new tariffs were a retaliatory measure in light of Mr Trump's decision to raise duties on steel and aluminium imports.



retaliatory 報復的;回擊的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:retaliatory measures  報復性措施

例子:He urged people not to resort to retaliatory violence.  他力勸人們不要以暴制暴。


retaliate 報復

(verb 動詞)


例子:If someone insults you, don't retaliate as it only makes the situation worse.



vengeful 圖謀報復的;意圖復仇的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:She sprayed red paint all over his car in one last vengeful act before leaving him for good.



vengeance 報仇,復仇,報復;復仇心

(noun 名詞)


例子:As he cradled his daughter's lifeless body in his arms, he swore (to take) vengeance on her killers.



Donald Trump believes tariffs will help cut the US trade deficit with China, which he has vowed to do. The White House said it was acting to counter unfair competition from China's state-led economy. It remains to be seen if China will follow its opening gambit with stronger measures.



counter 反駁;反對;對抗

(verb 動詞)


例子:After the government bombed their camp, the rebels countered with an attack on the capital.



例子:When criticisms were made of the school's performance, the parents' group countered with details of its exam results.



例子:Extra police have been moved into the area to counter the risk of violence.



gambit 精心策劃的一招;(常指帶有風險的)策略;險招

(noun 名詞)


例子:Her clever opening gambit gave her an early advantage.



例子:Their promise to lower taxes is clearly an election-year gambit.




Listening Test


Q1: According to China, what would happen if the disputes continue?

Q2: In what way could this affect China?



Ans1: It could damage the picture of cooperation of the world’s two largest economy. It’s telling the US to pull back from the brink.

Ans2: The increased trade tension could be a challenge to China’s president Xi Jinping. Trade war with the US could slow China’s rapid growth, critical to his long-term visions.



(noun 名詞)


例子:Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.



例子:Scientists are on the brink of (= extremely close to) a major new discovery.



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