
All about the moon


Many cultures have historically associated the full moon with a time of abundance. When our satellite is at its fullest, tides rise higher. In the autumn, when it appears closest to the earth, it’s time for the harvest and thanksgiving.



1. associate (v.) 把…聯繫起來;與…有關係

e.g., (sbd associates sth with sth.) People usually associate Mid-Autumn Festival with eating mooncake. 提起中秋節,人們通常聯想到吃月餅。

[talk about the origin of mooncake?]

Munching mooncakes  

History tells us that mooncakes were once stuffed with more than just egg yolks and bean paste. One mid-autumn during the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368), revolutionaries used them to pass secret messages to one another. The rebellion was a success, and its leader, Zhu Yuanzhang, went on to establish the Ming dynasty. They were thereafter eaten during the autumn full moon to commemorate the rebellion.

However, mooncakes were around much earlier than that. Historians say the first mention of the pastries is from the Tang dynasty, but evidence suggests they are even older. Like the moon itself, they represent unity and completeness.


e.g., I don't want to be associated with this incident. 我不想捲入這件事。

be associated with an organization = be affiliated with

associate (n.) = colleague

an associate in crime 同謀;共犯

associate (adj.) = 副的; 非正式的 (lower rank) 

e.g. an associate member, associate director


2. abundance富足;大量 (n.) = wealth

(an abundance of sth = a large quantity of it)

e.g., We all want to live a life of abundance. 我們都希望活在富足之中。

e.g., Food was in abundance in this island. 島上食物豐富。


The Jade Rabbit:

According to one version of the myth, the Jade Emperor came down from heaven in disguise in search of a helper to mix potions. He became hungry and encountered a monkey, a fox and a rabbit. The monkey and fox offered the old man food, but the rabbit had none. So he threw himself into a fire and offered his body for food. For this, the rabbit was made immortal and went to live on the moon, where he can still be seen bent over his pestle and mortar (杵臼), mixing herbs.


3. disguise偽裝

in disguise 化了裝

e.g., The Jade Emperor disguised himself as a commoner (平民).


4. immortal (adj.) 永生的;不朽的 (famous and remembered for a long time)

e.g., Shakespeare’s works are immortal. 莎士比亞的作品是不朽的。

(n.) 神 e.g. the immortals 眾神

(n.) 不朽的人物 e.g. immortals of stage and screen 千古留名的舞臺銀幕人物

e.g. Beethoven is one of the immortals. 貝多芬不朽的人物之一。



A plain, globe-shaped lantern with a candle inside illuminating the surface resembles the moon. As the festival nears, all districts in Hong Kong erect elaborate, colourfully illuminated displays of stick-framed lanterns.


5. A plain, globe-shaped lantern with a candle / stick-framed lanterns

lantern-jawed 下巴瘦長突出的

magic lantern 幻燈;早期放映機

lantern slides 幻燈片


6. near

near (prep.) e.g., My home is near the train station.

near (adv.) e.g., He like sitting near to the door.

near (adj.) e.g., Where is the nearest toilet?

near (v.) = approach

e.g. The project is nearing completion. 這個項目快將完成。

e.g. I guess he must be nearing sixty, so he will need to retire soon.



7. erect (v.) 豎起 / 建造 / 創立

e.g., He erected himself to full height. 他挺直身子。

e.g. He erected a new theory. 他創立了新的理論。


(adj.) 直立的; 豎直的

to hold oneself erect  挺直身子

with head erect  昂首

e.g. Soldiers are trained to stand erect. 士兵們被訓練要站得筆直。



Kevin’s Classroom

How to say the dates in the lunar calendar

Mid-Autumn Festival: The 15th day of the eighth lunar month (X 15th August)

i.e. The nth day of the nth lunar month

e.g. The Chung Yeung Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.



Written: 15th August

Spoken: the 15th of August


A Song For You - “The Moon Song” by Karen O


Why ‘I wish I knew’…?

e.g. I don’t like my work. I wish I could get a better job.

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