
Mother Teresa on smiles


“Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.” 

by Mother Teresa




smile (noun 名詞)


  • a broad smile, a big smile 燦爛的笑容


  • a wry smile 扭曲的笑

► a smile which shows both amusement and sadness 又憂又喜的笑容


例子:He looked across at Mary with a wry smile.


  • a knowing smile 會心微笑


例子:“Oh, I understand,” he said with a knowing smile.


  • be all smiles 笑容滿面


例子:We all love her because she is all smiles.


smile (verb 動詞)


笑也有學問!說的是英文中「對別人微笑」跟「自己一笑 / 莞爾」會用不同的介詞,要留意啊!


smile AT someone

例子:Susan smiled at him and waved.


smile TO yourself  (never say “smile TO someone”)

例子:Mark read the message and smiled to himself