
Jesus Christ on treasure in heaven


“If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.”

by Jesus Christ


求「財」若渴,無論古今,似乎都是大部分人的寫照。可是據《聖經》所載,耶穌提醒說:若要當完人,可以去變賣財物,分給窮人,就必有財寶在天上。「財物」英文原文是 possession ,不過這個字的用法其實不少,以下列舉數個例子:


possession 財物

(noun 名詞)


例子:He had sold all his possessions and left the country.


possession 擁有(某物)

(noun 名詞,formal 正式)


  • in sb’s possession
  • in the possession of sth
  • come into sb’s possession
  • take possession of


例子:That information is not in our possession.

例子:She was found in possession of stolen goods.

例子:How did the treasure map come into your possession? (i.e. how did you get it?)

例子:We didn’t take possession of the car until a few months after its purchase. (i.e. get and start using it)