
Hillary Clinton on dignity


Dignity does not come from avenging insults, especially from violence that can never be justified. It comes from taking responsibility and advancing our common humanity.


Hillary Clinton 希拉里‧克林頓 (前美國國務卿、前第一夫人)


dignity 尊嚴

(noun 名詞)


例子:I think everyone should be able to die with dignity.


avenge 報復

(verb 動詞)


例子:He swore he would avenge his brother's death.(他發誓要報殺兄之仇。)


► avenge oneself on sb 

例子:She was determined to avenge herself on the killer.(她決心要讓兇手血債血償。)


advance 使進步

(verb 動詞)


例子:He's just trying to advance (= improve) his own career.(他只是在努力發展自己的事業。)