
Orlando Bloom's rite of passage


I think it's sort of a rite of passage for a British actor to try and get the American accent and have a good crack at doing that.


Orlando Bloom 奧蘭度布林


rite of passage (標誌人生某個重要階段的)儀式;尤指成人禮

(noun 名詞)


crack (sb) up (使)(某人)突然哈哈大笑;(使)(某人)捧腹大笑

(phrasal verb 片語動詞)

例子:I took one look at her and cracked up.(我看了她一眼,便哈哈大笑起來。)

例子:There's something about that guy's face that just cracks me up.(那傢夥的臉上有些什麼讓我直想哈哈大笑。)