
Albert Einstein "God does not play dice"

God does not play dice. 

Albert Einstein






die 骰子

(noun 名詞)


注意用作眾數時,必須寫 "dice"。


例子:We need two dice to play the game. 玩這個遊戲我們需要兩個骰子。


dice 將…切成小方塊,把…切成丁

(verb 動詞)


例子:Peel and dice the potatoes.  把馬鈴薯去皮並切成丁。


dice with death 拿生命冒險,玩命

(phrasal verb 片語動詞)


例子:You're dicing with death driving at that speed on icy roads. 路上結了冰你還開這麼快,你是在玩命啊。