
William Shakespeare "A fool thinks himself to be wise"


“A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.”

by William Shakespeare




Antonyms 反義詞


beautiful, ugly

expensive, cheap

dead, alive

remember, forget

before, after

give, receive


There are three types of antonyms in English:

1) Gradable antonyms 

They represent a more or less relation and allow comparison; the denial of one does not imply the assertion of the other; they can be pre-modified by intensifiers such as “very”

例子:beautiful vs. ugly; expensive vs. cheap


2) Contradictory antonyms

They represent an either/or relation; the denial of one implies the assertion of the other; they are not used with intensifiers

例子:dead vs. alive; remember vs. forget


3) Converse antonyms

One expresses the converse meaning of the other

例子:1 is before 2. =  2 is after 1.

例子:Crystal gave Danny a gift. = Danny received from Crystal a gift.