
Samuel Butler on human-animal relationship


Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them.


Samuel Butler (1835-1902)


英國才子 Samuel Butler 對人性的理解可謂一針見血!難道人比較擅長變臉?家中的小雞是可愛的寵物,幾個月後便成桌上佳餚,我們似乎沒多大感覺。


be on friendly / good terms with somebody  跟某人關係友好 / 不錯

例子:My ex-wife and I are still on friendly terms.

例子:Are you on good terms with your boss?


come to terms with sth  接受 (令人不快的現實)

例子:She has never really come to terms with her son's death.