
George Bush on leadership


“I have a different vision of leadership. A leader is someone who brings people together.”

by George Bush


一個領袖應該是怎樣的?威風八面?高不可攀?前美國總統喬治布殊認為,領袖就是團結上下的人。「領導才能」的英文leadership 由 leader (領袖) 和 –ship 組成,讓Danny跟大家分享一些相近的例子吧!


總括而言,“-ship” 可以有三個意思:


  • 特定的名銜或職業

► a particular position or job, or time during which you have it


membership 會籍

citizenship 公民身份

professorship 教授之職

championship 冠軍


  • 處於擁有某事物的狀態

► the state of having something

ownership 擁有權

friendship 友誼

fellowship 交情

courtship 求婚

relationship 關係

hardship 艱苦


  • 特定技藝或才能

► a particular art or skill

musicianship 音樂知識

scholarship 學識 / 獎學金

leadership 領導才能