
Herb Caen "Eternal conflict may produce eternal truths"


A city is a state - of mind, of taste, of opportunity. A city is a marketplace - where ideas are traded, opinions clash and eternal conflict may produce eternal truths.


Herb Caen (1916-1997)


Herb Caen是三藩市家傳戶曉的記者,為《舊金山新聞》每日撰寫專欄長達六十年,報道市內民生政治大小事。城市雖然充滿各種聲音,但他樂觀地認為,持續不斷的衝突和各家意見的撞擊,會磨礪出永恆的真理。他的文章被譽為 「對三藩市綿綿不絕的情書」 ,行文常常一語雙關,機敏、幽默是他的標誌,本句可謂經典示範!



(noun 名詞)


1. 狀態;情形;狀況

例子:The building was in a state of disrepair. 這棟大樓年久失修。

例子:Give me the keys - you're in no fit state to drive. 把鎖匙給我──你狀態不佳,不能開車。

例子:After the accident I was in a state of shock.  事故之後,我驚魂未定。

► state of mind (某人)的精神狀態

例子:He's in a much more positive state/frame of mind these days.



 state-of-the-art 十分先進的;應用最新理念(或方法)的

    (adjective 形容詞)

例子:a state-of-the-art computer 最先進的電腦


2. (德國、澳大利亞、美國等的)州,邦

例子:Alaska is the largest state in the US.  阿拉斯加是美國最大的州。


eternal 永遠的,永恆的;長期的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:Will you two never stop your eternal arguing!  你兩個吵個沒完沒了,就不能停一停嗎!