
Roy Jenkins rethinking the "permissive society"


The permissive society has been allowed to become a dirty phrase. A better phrase is the civilised society.


Roy Jenkins (1920-2003)


Roy Jenkins是英國政客,也是著名歷史學家和作家。六十年代先後出任內務大臣及財政大臣。曾為歐盟主席,1987年任牛津大學校長至去世。


permissive 包容的/放任的

(adjective 形容詞)


= (recap) tolerant, accepting

♦ Giving people a lot of freedom (or too much freedom) to do what they want to do


例子:permissive retirement age (自願退休的年齡)

例子:The politician claims that society has been far too permissive towards drug taking.


civilised 文明的

(adjective 形容詞)


► American spelling: civiliZed


What does "being civilised" mean?

例子:Society needs both justice and compassion, a head and a heart, if it is to be civilised.


compassion 同理心

(noun 名詞)

= A feeling of wanting to help someone who is sick, hungry, in trouble, etc.


例子: She shows compassion to the sick.