
Nile Rodgers thinks he's like a shark?


I'm always swimming forward like a shark. You just keep going and you don't rest. I love waking up knowing that I have a problem to solve.

Nile Rodgers


有說鯊魚只可以不停往前游,否則會死去。美國流行曲作曲家、著名結他手Nile Rodgers似乎深有同感,他說:每早醒來有問題要處理,很好啊!


留意句子中wake up knowing sth的用法,wake up 後面的動詞一定要加 –ing。


wake up to sth 發現某問題/ 明白某形勢

(phrasal verb 片語動詞)


例子:Governments are finally waking up to the fact that the environment should be cleaned up.


Wake up! 喂!  (想引人注意/ 叫人留心時用)

(idiom 慣用語)


例子:Wake up, Kevin! It's your turn.


loan shark 大耳窿 / 高利貸