
Alfred Hitchcock thankful to be a coward


Luck is everything... My good luck in life was to be a really frightened person. I'm fortunate to be a coward, to have a low threshold of fear, because a hero couldn't make a good suspense film.

Alfred Hitchcock 希治閣



一代驚慄片大師的成功之道,竟然是膽小?!你沒有看錯,語出荷里活導演希治閣。「膽小」英文可以說 to have a low threshold of fear。


threshold 門檻(忍耐度)


例子:a low/ high threshold of sth  對… 的忍耐度高/ 低


coward 懦夫

(noun 名詞)


cowardice 懦弱

(noun 名詞)


例子:You can accuse me of cowardice, but I still wouldn't fight in a war.


Main movie categories 主要電影分類


  • suspense 懸疑片
  • horror film/ thriller 驚慄片
  • action movie 動作片
  • romantic comedy (rom-com) 愛情喜劇
  • crime/ gangster movie 犯罪/ 黑幫片
  • science fiction (sci-fi) 科幻片
  • epic 史詩
  • documentary 紀錄片