
What happens when people merely follow their hopes?


When people learn no tools of judgment and merely follow their hopes, the seeds of political manipulation are sown.

Stephen Jay Gould (1941-2002, 美國古生物學家、科學史學者)


manipulation 操縱(為了個人利益而控制某人或某事,尤指利用不公平或不誠實的方式)

(verb 動詞) 

例子:They have been accused of fraud and stock market manipulations.


例子:Theres been so much media manipulation of the facts that nobody knows the truth of the matter.  媒體操控得太厲害,沒有人知道事情的真相。

例子:The country's opposition party claims the president returned to power through political manipulation.  反對黨聲稱總統透過政治操控重新執政。


manipulative 試圖控制他人的,有控制慾的

(adjective 形容詞)

例子:Even as a child she was manipulative and knew how to get her own way. 
