
A rock pile in Saint-Exupery's eyes


A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery  聖修伯里 (1900-1944)




cease 停止

(verb 動詞,formal 正式)


例子:The company has decided to cease all UK operations after this year.

例子:Workplace nurseries will cease to be liable for tax.


Wonders never cease!  真係估佢唔到!

(idiom 慣用語)


= A humorous way to express surprise over sth unexpected


例子:Lynda actually managed to get up before ten o'clock. Wonders never cease!


contemplate 沉思/慎重思考

(verb 動詞)


例子:I’m contemplating a change of job.