
Francis Bacon on commanding nature


We cannot command Nature except by obeying her.

Francis Bacon


人時刻追求發展,是否不能避免跟自然對立呢?英國哲學家Francis Bacon卻說,要臣服環境只有一個方法,就是順應自然。矛盾嗎?



(verb 動詞)


  • 命令

例子:Military leaders commanded the troops to open fire.


  • 傲視

例子:Arthur’s Seat is a hill that commands the city of Edinburgh.



(noun 名詞)


  • 命令、指示


例子:We started to teach the dog simple commands like “sit” and “lie down.”


  • 控制、掌握能力


例子:He finally felt in command of his life.


obey 服從

(verb 動詞) 


例子:The children must obey the rules.


= follow, comply with, submit to etc.