
Dorothea Lange "Photography alters life by holding it still"


Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.



Dorothea Lange (1895-1965)


Dorothea Lange是深具影響力的美國傳記攝影師和攝影作家,以一輯美國聯邦農業安全管理局(FSA)的大蕭條時期作品聞名。她的照片講述了大蕭條對百姓造成的後果,也影響了傳記攝影的發展。


instant 瞬息,頃刻

(noun 名詞)


例子:In an instant her mood had changed.  頃刻間她的情緒就變了。

例子:The startled boy froze for an instant, then fled. 那個受驚的男孩愣了片刻,然後就逃跑了。

例子:"Stop that noise this instant!"  「馬上把那噪音停下來!」


alter (通常指輕微地)改動,修改;改變,(使)變化

(verb 動詞)


例子:Giving up our car has radically altered our lifestyle.  棄車不用使我們的生活方式發生了根本性的變化。


still 靜止的;不動的,安靜的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:Children find it difficult to sit/stand/stay still for very long.  小孩子很難長時間坐著/站著/靜著不動。


例子:The air was so still that not even the leaves on the trees were moving.   一點風也沒有,連樹葉都一動不動。