
Barack Obama's State of the Union Address


(摘自美國總統奧巴馬2013年之國情咨文演說 Excerpts from Barack Obama’s 2013 State of the Union address)


We can't ask senior citizens and working families to shoulder the entire burden of deficit reduction while asking nothing more from the wealthiest and the most powerful.


  • Shoulder (v.) the burden 負擔
  • Superlatives: the -est   vs.  the most


我們常說最便宜 (cheapest)、最好笑 (funniest) 都以 –est 結尾表示,可是最有趣 (the most interesting)、最美妙 (the most wonderful) 卻不是如此,何解?


要判別一個形容詞何時用-est、何時用the most,其中一個簡單原則是看看該形容詞有多少音節。一般而言,任何三個或以上音節的都用the most。不過有時都有例外,例如 the most handsome / the most polite。

