
Henry David Thoreau on the value of a house


What is the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?


Henry David Thoreau


以上的話出自美國作家及詩人梭羅。他不但為環境保護主義奠基,亦提倡遠足、獨木舟等為康體活動,著有《論公民抗命 (Resistance to Civil Government/ Civil Disobedience)》、《湖濱散記 (Walden)》等作品。






(adjective 形容詞)


  • unpleasant but able to be tolerated 可以忍受的

例子:The heat was tolerable for only a short time.


  • good enough to be accepted but not very good 可以接受的

例子:Susan has a tolerable singing voice. (Susan的歌聲還可以。)