
1st Duke of Wellington "Be discreet in all things"


Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious.

Arthur Wellesley (1769-1852)




discreet 審慎的,謹慎的,小心的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:The family made discreet enquiries about his background.  那家人小心翼翼地打聽他的背景。

例子:They are very good assistants, very discreet - they wouldn't go shouting to the press.   他們都是很好的助手,非常謹慎——不會向新聞界吵吵嚷嚷透露甚麼的。


render [sth. + adj.] 使成為;使變得;使處於某種狀態

(verb 動詞)


例子:His rudeness rendered me speechless. 他的粗暴無禮讓我啞口無言。

例子:New technology has rendered my old computer obsolete.  新技術發展太快,我的舊電腦已經過時了。