
Jimi Hendrix "Power of love vs. Love of power"


When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.


Jimi Hendrix


Jimi 是著名電結他手,技巧完全是自學,以無可匹敵的演奏技巧,自創多種電結他的演奏方式,影響了後來重金屬、前衛搖滾等搖滾樂。



(verb 動詞)


1. 克服;戰勝;攻克;解決

例子: Antonio Spurs overcame Miami Heat in a thrilling match.(馬刺在這場扣人心弦的比賽中,戰勝了熱火隊。)


2. 克服困難/障礙/難題/阻力

例子: Eventually she managed to overcome her shyness in class.(她終於克服了上課時的羞怯。)


3. 使受不了;使無法行動(或思考)

例子: They were overcome by fumes from the fire and had to be carried out of their houses. (他們被大火的濃煙熏倒,不得不被抬出家門。)