
Gandhi on the freedom to err


Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err.

Mahatma Gandhi 聖雄甘地,印度獨立運動領袖



(adjective 形容詞)


1. 值(多少錢)

例子:Our flat is worth 3 million dollars. (我們的住宅值三百萬。)




2. 值得

  • worth having/ doing sth  值得擁有/ 做

例子:There's nothing worth reading in this newspaper. (這報紙沒有東西值得看。)


  • be worth it

例子:Forget him - he's just not worth it. (忘記他吧,他不值得你為他這樣。)


worth 價值

(noun 名詞)


例子:He has proved his worth to the team. (他證明了他對團隊的重要性。)


connote 代表/ 意味著

(verb 動詞, formal 正式)


例子:To me, chocolate connotes pleasure and indulgence. (對我來說,巧克力代表快樂和放縱。)


err 犯錯

(verb 動詞, formal 正式)


例子:The court erred in refusing to allow bail. (法院拒絕保釋,是個錯誤。)