
Buddha "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal"

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.





hold on to sth

(phrasal verb 片語動詞)


1. 保留,保存

例子:Hold on to your ticket - you'll need it later.  留著你的票——以後還會用到的。


2. 緊緊抓住,抱牢

例子:Hold onto the rope and don't let go.  緊緊抓住那條繩子,別鬆手。



(verb 動詞)


1. 抓緊;握緊

例子:Rosie suddenly grasped my hand.  羅茜突然抓住了我的手。


2. 急忙抓住,毫不猶豫地把握住(機會)

例子:We must grasp every opportunity to strengthen economic ties with other countries. 我們必須把握住一切機會加強與其他國家的經濟聯繫。


intent 意圖,目的

(noun 名詞, formal)


例子:It was not his intent to hurt anyone.  他的本意並不是想傷害誰。